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Report: This Is What The Cost Of A Total U.S. Withdrawal From NATO Will Be

CC0 / US Army Europe Images / Raising of the NATO flag

Sputnik: TOTAL COST of 'Sudden' US Withdrawal From NATO Revealed by Think-Tank

Earlier this year, US media reported that President Donald Trump privately raised the possibility of the US leaving NATO on several occasions. Since becoming president, Trump has publicly questioned the alliance's relevance in the fight against terrorism, and attacked US allies over their failure to meet their defence spending commitments.

A sudden US withdrawal from NATO would cost its remaining members upwards of $357 billion and require between 15 and 20 years to restore the bloc's defence capabilities, a report by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies suggests.

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WNU Editor: The report is here .... Defending Europe: scenario-based capability requirements for NATO’s European members (IISS).

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