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China Is Tripling The Size Of Its Marine Corps

Chinese Marines

Michael Peck, National Interest: China is Tripling the Size of Its Marine Corps

A more powerful Chinese marine corps is also a threat to Taiwan, which has lived under the shadow of Chinese amphibious invasion for almost 70 years. However, it appears that the Chinese army would conduct major amphibious operations such as assaulting Taiwan, while the PLANMC would be tasked with smaller operations such as seizing small islands.

China is bulking up its marine corps.

China's People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps will only be a fraction of the size and power of the U.S. Marine Corps. But like their American counterparts, the PLANMC is becoming an expeditionary force to project Chinese power around the globe.

"I would argue that over several years, the PLANMC has been developing into a rapid response force that could be tasked with conducting a variety of expeditionary missions to defend China's overseas interests," Alan Burns, a China expert with the non-profit Center for Naval Analyses in Arlington, Virginia, told The National Interest.

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WNU Editor: The Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps will still be a fraction of the size and power of the U.S. Marine Corps. But the trend line is clear. China's Marine Corps will be increasing it's scope and power over time.

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