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When you think about life in the past when your sweat was caused by hard work and the sun, it just makes you feel good all over. The sun beating down on your shoulders and the strain on your muscles just make you feel stronger all over. There really is nothing better than working out – outside.

But, most people have moved to the city. The days of working on the farm are long gone for most, however, there are a few people who still get to have that glorious feeling of doing work and producing something that was real and keep the pounds off while they do it. Seriously, if you think about it, how many farm hands, cowboys, and ranchers are fat? There aren't many. 

Think about their lifestyles. They get up, have a cup of coffee and breakfast, go to work, come in for lunch, go to work, come in for dinner and then go to bed early enough to get up in the morning and do it all over again. In the meantime, they get good sun and fresh air and consume fresh water all day long. It truly is a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, most of us work indoors, sitting down and still eat three meals a day but have to do it so quickly you don't even get the opportunity to taste it.

It's a fact of life that people in the city don't get much exercise unless you live in a city where you walk everywhere you go. This means you have to put your mind to it and work at it. You have to fit fitness into your daily schedule or you're going to be overweight and sick. 

That's just the way it is. Exercise is the best way to control obesity, it is the best way to control stress, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and other lifestyle-related illnesses. If you can workout outside, even better. Your body needs as much fresh air as it can get.

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